Scott Menor

Engineering Artistry

I have a special set of skills.. by which I mean I have a lot of expertise in an unusually large variety of disciplines.

I've done a lot of development work with robotics ( land, sea, and air ), autonomous systems, power systems, architecture, etc. including mechanical and electrical engineering, firmware development, front-end, simulation, and cloud software. I've done product design from concept to industrial design, prototyping, regulatory certification, through volume production and end-of-life.

At the Arizona State University High Performance Computing Initiative, I used OpenMPI, and many other tools for problem decomposition and massively parallel programming. I've done computational fluid dynamics, magneto-hydrodynamics, radio frequency, electrical, finite element analysis, and so on, and even a bit of numerical ( general ) relativity.

My PhD is in physics and included some fairly deep statistics, mathematical modelling, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, classical and quantum mechanics, and so on. I'm good at understanding problems and systems, breaking them down to their constituents, and analysing and modelling them ( and, thus, controlling them using a variety of types of regulators / control systems ).

I have a masters degree in microbiology from the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa with emphasis in virology and immunology. It's been awhile but I've done a fair bit of tissue culture, my aseptic technique is solid, and I'm familiar with bioreactors, chemostats, and scaling research from lab/bench top to industrial levels. As part of that I taught infectious disease microbiology at the 400 level, studied epidemiology ( undergrad and graduate levels ), a bit of public health, and a variety of other things. Concurrently with that I worked on underwater robotics in collaboration with the University of Tokyo and Meiji University.

My first job was at Intel's Embedded Microdevices Division where I developed and modelled neuromorphic function blocks for use in microcontrollers, and that was where I first cut my teeth on Unix/Aix/Linux/HP-UX, etc, as well as distributed systems and parallel programming, Verilog/VHDL, custom ASIC design, and do on.

I'm a pretty good engineer and really like learning things and figuring out how to solve problems.

I can do little things like make an enclosure or circuit board, or mechatronics system / etc, but I really excel at figuring out what is possible and how to do it at a system level ( ideally with a team to do the bulk of nuts-and-bolts engineering work ).

I'm an engineer with empathy who doesn't just think about the end-goal but considers the person putting things together and servicing them as well as the one using and disposing of them when they're done being useful ( which is hopefully only after a very long time ).

I won't do weapons, or fake「 AI 」but if you have the money and want to make something cool and unique from custom hardware for your house to an orbital ring, or you just want to know how feasible some technology is, reach out and ask -

Current Resume/CV